
Cardo Systems推出新款PACKTALK耳机
Cardo Systems推出新款PACKTALK耳机
——骑行通讯不再仅局限于头盔之间 新款耳机能实现无头盔情况下的不断线通讯,颠覆传统摩托车教练和指导员的常规训练沟通模式 美国德克萨斯州普莱诺,2021年7月6日讯,作为...
Cardo 任命 Jimmy Chu 为大中华区销售主管
Cardo 任命 Jimmy Chu 为大中华区销售主管
Cardo Systems 和 HARMAN达成为期五年的JBL音效合作
Cardo Systems 和 HARMAN达成为期五年的JBL音效合作
协议允许Cardo继续应用JBL的优质音频解决方案和聆听体验去开发 Cardo 摩托车头盔产品。
继回复了客户的无数蓝牙通信相关的电话,微信和邮件,密切关注优秀能手,发表了新产品评论及全球摩托车骑社区怎样做后 RevZilla作为专家驱动型视频资源,发布了...
Are motorcycle intercoms useful for safety?
Are motorcycle intercoms useful for safety?
Responsible for testing key models from major motorcycle manufacturers and testing out the latest motorcycling kit means that the journalists at Fast Bikes magazine, based in the UK, spend much of their ...
Cross-Country Road Trip Essentials: 5 Things You Need to Pack
Cross-Country Road Trip Essentials: 5 Things You Need to Pack
There is no feeling of more peace and joy than going on long-distance cross-country motorcycle road trips. Traveling through the fresh and long open roads and different types of green terrains is just what motorcycle enthusiasts need after months ...
The Ultimate Waterproof Test
The Ultimate Waterproof Test
When our good friends from TEXAS told us that they want to work on a few BIG HITS, we know that our Waterproof Packtalk Bold's will be the perfect fit for them. Using their
For Riders, by Riders: Is it so?
For Riders, by Riders: Is it so?
For riders, by riders. If you have been a Cardo rider user for some time, you have surely heard this phrase at one time or another. Just how true is this Cardo statement? Let's find out! To give a small background on Cardo riders, w...
Date Night Drive: 5 Benefits of Rider to Passenger Motorcycle Communication for Couples
Date Night Drive: 5 Benefits of Rider to Passenger Motorcycle Communication for Couples
Couples who share hobbies are often healthier and happier, and there’s nothing like that feeling of freedom, connection and intimacy that riding a motorcycle together brings. But in order to capture all those amazing things, you and your riding pa...

About Cardo Cardo

75074, 811 E. Plano Parkway Suite 110A